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North Andover Youth Baseball

North Andover Youth Baseball

Our Mission

A primary objective of North Andover Youth Baseball (NAYB) is - and shall be - to implant firmly in the children of the Town of North Andover, Massachusetts, the principles and ideals of good sportsmanship, fairness, honesty, character, courage, loyalty, respect for themselves and others, and respect for authority, so that they may be well-adjusted, stronger, and happier children, and will grow to be good, decent, caring, healthy, and trustworthy adults.

The Sportsmanship Code of Babe Ruth League

Develop a strong, clean, healthy body, mind and soul.
Develop a strong urge for sportsmanlike conduct.
Develop understanding of and respect for the RULES.
Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory.
Develop control over emotions and speech.
Develop spirit of cooperation and team play.
Develop into real, true CITIZENS.

Copyright, 1954 by Babe Ruth League, Inc. 


North Andover Youth Baseball
PO Box 416 
North Andover, Massachusetts 01845

Email: [email protected]

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