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North Andover Youth Baseball

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Oct, 2022

2022-2023 NAYB Board of Directors Nominations

Dear North Andover Youth Baseball Members,

This is a call for candidates for the North Andover Youth Baseball (NAYB) Board of Directors. Each year, a few seats on the North Andover Youth Baseball Board of Directors comes up for election for a two-year term. We encourage all members consider taking an active role in the growth and development of North Andover Youth Baseball by running for a position on the Board of Directors.
If you are interested, please submit a short biography to Billy Bean, League Secretary, by Friday, October 14th, 2022. That biography should include a list of your youth leadership experience (not just coaching experience), your baseball experience (not required), your NAYB experience and any other relevant leadership and volunteer experience. We also ask that you provide a statement of no more than 2 paragraphs of why you would like to be a board member and what you would seek to accomplish. In an effort to give each candidate equal opportunity to share their qualifications, we are asking candidates to limit the biography to approximately 1/2 page and no more than 300 words. The biographies will be included on the ballot which will be provided to each member of North Andover Youth Baseball (i.e. parents of active players) for the election.

In an effort to make voting easier and more accessible to all, voting will take place in an online format and will open up after all nominations have been received. Further details and voting instructions to follow. Votes will be tallied, and a new Board will be seated during the November 2022 meeting.
Please e-mail your application to League Secretary Billy Bean at [email protected] by Friday, October 14th, 2022. Thank you!!


North Andover Youth Baseball
PO Box 416 
North Andover, Massachusetts 01845

Email: [email protected]

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